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Meet our Nutritionists

Dr. Monty Kerley
Ph D. Nutritionist
Dr. Kerley lives in the southern tip of Illinois on his personal research feedlot.
He received his M.S. and PhD at University of Illinois in 1984 and 1987.
Dr. Kerley specializes in formulating rations based off of a calves' amino acid requirement.
He is passionate about developing calves to their full genetic potential by using innovative ration formulation, residual feed intake, and management.
In his free time, he enjoys traveling with his wife and spending time with his grandkids.

Brandon Rodriguez
Brandon grew up in Needville, Texas
He received his Master's degree in Animal Science from Texas A&M University-Kingsville in 2014.
He is a beef cattle/rumen nutritionist that works primarily with cow/calf and feedlot cattle.
Brandon is passionate about helping cattle producers to be more profitable through improving the nutritional program and management of an operation; he also loves the relationships he's made along the way.
In his free time, he enjoys playing golf and spending time outdoors with his family.

Carson McMullen
Carson grew up on a milo and wheat farm with some cattle outside of Plainville, Kansas.
He received his Master's degree in Animal Science in 2015 from Kansas State University.
He specializes in ruminant nutrition in Nebraska and Iowa.
Carson is passionate about helping producers integrate their cropping and livestock operations to maximize total farm profit.
In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his wife and two boys, fishing, upland bird hunting, and helping manage the family farm.